Oopsie! A Belated Black Friday Gift 🎁
Oh my, I missed Black Friday! I thought it was at the end of the month.
Also, this month's free dye recipe is being prepared right now. It's either going to be from the Peter Rabbit themed collection revamp (coming soon), or the Cinderella themed collection revamp (coming soon). Not only that, I hope to prepare a pre-Christmas goodie to go along with it.
While that's all happening, please use this discount code until next Friday.
Use the code BELATEDBLACKFRIDAY20 at checkout in Muffs Etsy shop or online store to save 20% until Friday November 30th NZD time, Friday 12am if you are in the USA.
Also, have you seen the video series? Watch on YouTube:
How to Prepare your Yarn for Full Dye Absorption
How to Make Dye Solutions and What are they for?
Corrections: A little note for the free dye calculation download that goes along with the how to calculate dye amounts video. There were two errors on page 9 that have now been corrected and uploaded to the download page. You can re-download the updated version any time. I am not able to edit the video on YouTube, however, the corrections are listed in the pinned comment of the video :)
I hope this did not confuse anyone. If you have any questions or confusions, feel free to get in touch. I will continue to improve and update any and all pdfs. There's no point in having confusing, misspelled, miscalculated instructions. The whole point of what I do is to make the process less confusing. So, if you are confused or see any errors, don't hesitate to shout it out!
I want to share everything I know with you, so you can hone in, save time formulating, cut the confusion and enjoy the process and fibre art part of it more. Thank you to all of those who have supported Muffs development and continue to cheer me on.
Happy Dyeing!
Kindly, Lori from Muffs Merino
@muffsmerino on Instagram